27 juli 2006


Jag har precis gjort en gallsten- och lever-rensning och det gick ganska bra. Lite förvånad bara över vad jag har bärt omkring på... Man äter lätt, fastar och dricker Epsom saltlösning, samt olivolja med grapefruktjuice. Inte dock på en gång...

Epsomsaltlösningen (blääääähä) vidgar gångarna och olivoljan har till funktion att stimulera gallan. Det blir en snabbrensing.

Jag gjorde samma sak för många år sen och tyckte det var dags igen. Fast jag ska göra om det igen om en månad. Ska det vara så ska det. Min matsmältning har inte fungerat så bra , vilket lär ha berot på levern, så jag vill gärna få igång den igen.

Här kan man läsa om det. Akta dig för bilderna...


Blogger Vonkis said...

Kommer det ut såna där stora stenar? Hur går det till???

söndag, juli 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Ja ar inte pa min dator nu, sa texten blir lite sa har...

Jo... man dricker appeljuice i en vecka (1l/dag) vilket hjalper till att mjuka upp stenarna.

Epsomsaltet vidgar gangarna, sa nar man stimulerar gallan genom att dricka olivolja sa flodar alla stenar ut genom gangarna och ut genom kroppen.

Det sags att det tar nagra ganger att fa ut det mesta. Jag ska gora det igen om nagra veckor.

Det finns en ganska klar beskrivning pa hur man gor det rent praktiskt pa sidan som jag hanvisar till. Kolla pa Dr Clark's sida, tex.

Stenarna jag fick ut var ganska stora men mindre an 2 cm. Tillrackligt stora for mig...

Om ni vill ha en mer detaljerad beskrivning eller veta nat annat sa ar det bara att fraga...

måndag, juli 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Hi Meru,

Thanks for sharing your personal experience with the gallstone flush. I am in day one and the nausea seems to be decreasing, which is wonderful. I have a dull aching pain near my right shoulderblade the whole day. Hopefully day seven will result in stones leaving my body.

Cheers and all the best,


måndag, augusti 28, 2006  
Blogger Kirtaniya said...

Hi Nancy,

I hope we're doing the same gall stone flush.

One takes apple juice for a week to soften the gall stones, and then do the fasting with the epsom salt, which is the same day one drinks the oliv oil. One takes epsom salt for two times more the next morning but by then gall stones should already be on their way out.

The pain you're experiencing seems to be where the liver is.

I hope it'll work out for you. It might take a few times to get them all out.

All the very best,


måndag, augusti 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonym said...

Hi Meru,

Thanks for your reply. Yes, I've started the apple juice "diet" and am now on day two. The nausea is so much better than prior to drinking the apple juice.
On day six I will start the Epsom salts and olive oil/grapefruit in the evening. My gallstones were confirmed by ultrasound.

How did you feel the day after the flush? Some people experience pain attacks and end up in hospital. Got courage from your pictures though. Over three centimeters is quite a significant size for a stone!

Thanks again,


tisdag, augusti 29, 2006  
Blogger Kirtaniya said...

Hi Nancy,

It's good that you're feeling better with the apple juice. Sounds like you're liver has been unhappy.

To clarify, the link from my blog was to another website, and I don't know who wrote it. I did get out quite big stones, 1 1/2-2 cm, though.

I did this fast 2 times maybe 10 years ago, and now I've done it once more. So I wouldn't call myself an expert.

Once I felt a bit nauseus after drinking the olivoil, so that can happen. But the first time and this time, I didn't have any of that.

I felt fine, and in fact this time I felt a notisable relief. A friend of mine just did it and it didn't make a huge impact on her. She got out a lot of small green stones, which is also good.

I guess that you'll have to do it a few times to get most of them out, especially if you're having a lot of trouble with your gall stones.

You can email me if you want. It might be easier to continue the conversation like that. It's mo@pamho.net.

All the best,


tisdag, augusti 29, 2006  

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